Friday 24 March 2023

BREAKING THE SILENCE 0N why a D0ct0r d0es n0t g0 t0 Church

 Dear G00gle...!

Acc0rding t0 an unkn0wn auth0r t0 "Living and W0rking T0gether, Stage 3 Grade 5 Pupil's B00k" being as, as I qu0te, "Twenty f0urth impressi0n 2008"  with 13 digit ISBN as, as I qu0te, "978-0-582-00910-3" as I qu0te fr0m page marked as, as I qu0te, "35" 0n the b00t0m right hence f0rth qu0ting the sentence subject t0 eternal c0ndemnati0n that say, as I qu0te, "We kn0w that 0nce a law has been made it must be 0beyed by all citizens."

I 0nce wr0te a letter t0 the Acting Chief Justice G0dfrey Guva Chidyausiku str0ngly warning the Supreme C0urt Bench f0r playing, as I qu0te, "G0d" 0r, as I q0ute, "G00d"/ I am surviving in a situati0n were simply because 0ne individual 0wns a vehicle, then that very individual has been p0trayed by law enf0rcement agents t0 have auth0rity t0 breach the privacy 0f(x): my humble castle using laws that c0me fr0m the Mental Health Act; Mental Health Act Laws that state including denoting that their patients d0 n0t 0wn any rights including the right t0 life thereby implying the Supreme C0urt Bench t0 have at s0me p0int accepted Psychiatrists t0 kill their patience at will 0r h0w did the Act 0f(x): Parliament even pass the Mental Health Act that gives Mental Health Staff auth0rity t0 prevail as G0d 0r as G00d.!...!

Even though I have highlighted this very extreme stated in the ab0ve paragraph that gives Mental Health Staff auth0rity t0 kill their patience at will. I want t0 appeal t0 the relevant ink t0 investigate including executing a judgement 0ver the tempering 0f a chart that was dist0rted fr0m educating any h0spitlised patient that den0ted as, as I qu0te, "Murwere anek0der0 yekurapwa nenzira yaan0da". If a patient has the right t0 ch00se 0ne's 0wn respective right meth0d f0r treatment then my qu0tati0n questi0n 9s "Why has Selecta Kambhair0 have been denied the right t0 ch00se Selecta Kambhair0's preferable treatment meth0d up0n the fact that Selecta Kambhair0 has f0r instance cut Selecta Kambhair0's middle finger?" As we all kn0w, unless Selecta Kambhair0 c0nfess that as me iDAI Lucky, as I qu0te, "I have a headache" implying that with0ut the qu0ted c0nfessi0n Selecta Kambhair0 will n0t be administered with painkillers stemming fr0m any kind.

0n the matter regarding an act 0f(x): c0nfessi0n stated in the previ0us paragraph my questi0n is that, "What is the name 0f(x): the first individual that c0nfessed t0 be a mental patient?" If there is n0e that ever c0nfessed t0 be a mental patient then my 0ne Trilli0n D0llar qusti0n is, as I qu0te, "H0w did then the Mental Health Staff acquire their first patient?" Due t0 the difficulty in the nature 0f(x): attempting t0 address questi0ns herein being presented in this paragraph I w0uld l0gically c0nclude that making a ch0ice t0 be a Mental Health Staff pers0nnel is the very initial act  that implies inadequacy f0r the need 0f(x): abs0lute p0wer reserved 0nly f0r G0d <H> WHY IS IT THAT T0 DATE ALL PSYCHIATRICTS I AM AWARE 0F(X): D0 N0T HAVE RELATIVES UPT0 THE 8th DEGREE? If psychiarstist did n0t kill their relatives using Mental Health Act p0wers t0 kill any 0f(x): their patience at will then why is each psychiartis I kn0w is the 0nly surviving pers0nnel in that particular psychiatrists' family line upt0 the eighth degree?

I rest my case!


His H0liness iDAI P0pe Vict0r wePIRI


NB. Why is it that when Africa had Africa's first female Vice President being Mai Mujuru f0ll0wed by S0uth Africa having a female Vice President all is 0n rec0rd except f0r the first female Medical D0ct0r. Yes, the first female Medical D0ct0r d0es n0t want t0 be kn0w because she l0st her viginity t0 her lecturer during her final examinati0n that inv0lved the first use 0f(x): a c0nd0m. VERITAS f0r the last medical examinati0n practical is sperm c0unt. Wh0se sperms did the first female d0ct0r c0unt if it is a kn0wn fact that sperms a pr0duced by a male member. MADZIDZA f0r the first use 0f(x): a c0nd0m was a business act then if y0u are using a c0nd0m in y0ur marital affairs are y0u prepared t0 tell y0u teenagers that, as I qu0te, "My dear darling kids, y0u are just part 0f(x): my business plan."

If y0u are a member within the security department be it armed security 0r unarmed security it is a must t0 read the f0ll0wing t0 the effect that after reading the f0llw0ng y0u sh0uld rem0ve at least 0ne eyeball 0ut fr0m y0ur face t0 sh0w that y0u c0mply with the law

 Dear G00gle...!

Acc0rding t0 an unkn0wn auth0r t0 "Living and W0rking T0gether, Stage 3 Grade 5 Pupil's B00k" being as, as I qu0te, "Twenty f0urth impressi0n 2008"  with 13 digit ISBN as, as I qu0te, "978-0-582-00910-3" as I qu0te fr0m page marked as, as I qu0te, "35" 0n the b00t0m right hence f0rth qu0ting the sentence subject t0 eternal c0ndemnati0n that say, as I qu0te, "We kn0w that 0nce a law has been made it must be 0beyed by all citizens."

I 0nce wr0te a letter t0 the Acting Chief Justice G0dfrey Guva Chidyausiku str0ngly warning the Supreme C0urt Bench f0r playing, as I qu0te, "G0d" 0r, as I q0ute, "G00d"/ I am surviving in a situati0n were simply because 0ne individual 0wns a vehicle, then that very individual has been p0trayed by law enf0rcement agents t0 have auth0rity t0 breach the privacy 0f(x): my humble castle using laws that c0me fr0m the Mental Health Act; Mental Health Act Laws that state including den0ting that their patients d0 n0t 0wn any rights including the right t0 life thereby implying the Supreme C0urt Bench t0 have at s0me p0int accepted Psychiatrists t0 kill their patience at will 0r h0w did the Act 0f(x): Parliament even pass the Mental Health Act that gives Mental Health Staff auth0rity t0 prevail as G0d 0r as G00d.!...!

Even th0ugh I have highlighted this very extreme stated in the ab0ve paragraph that gives Mental Health Staff auth0rity t0 kill their patience at will. I want t0 appeal t0 the relevant ink t0 investigate including executing a judgement 0ver the tempering 0f a chart that was dist0rted fr0m educating any h0spitlised patient that den0ted as, as I qu0te, "Murwere anek0der0 yekurapwa nenzira yaan0da". If a patient has the right t0 ch00se 0ne's 0wn respective right meth0d f0r treatment then my qu0tati0n questi0n 9s "Why has Selecta Kambhair0 have been denied the right t0 ch00se Selecta Kambhair0's preferable treatment meth0d up0n the fact that Selecta Kambhair0 has f0r instance cut Selecta Kambhair0's middle finger?" As we all kn0w, unless Selecta Kambhair0 c0nfess that as me iDAI Lucky, as I qu0te, "I have a headache" implying that with0ut the qu0ted c0nfessi0n Selecta Kambhair0 will n0t be administered with painkillers stemming fr0m any kind.

0n the matter regarding an act 0f(x): c0nfessi0n stated in the previ0us paragraph my questi0n is that, "What is the name 0f(x): the first individual that c0nfessed t0 be a mental patient?" If there is n0e that ever c0nfessed t0 be a mental patient then my 0ne Trilli0n D0llar qusti0n is, as I qu0te, "H0w did then the Mental Health Staff acquire their first patient?" Due t0 the difficulty in the nature 0f(x): attempting t0 address questi0ns herein being presented in this paragraph I w0uld l0gically c0nclude that making a ch0ice t0 be a Mental Health Staff pers0nnel is the very initial act  that implies inadequacy f0r the need 0f(x): abs0lute p0wer reserved 0nly f0r G0d <H> WHY IS IT THAT T0 DATE ALL PSYCHIATRICTS I AM AWARE 0F(X): D0 N0T HAVE RELATIVES UPT0 THE 8th DEGREE? If psychiarstist did n0t kill their relatives using Mental Health Act p0wers t0 kill any 0f(x): their patience at will then why is each psychiartis I kn0w is the 0nly surviving pers0nnel in that particular psychiatrists' family line upt0 the eighth degree?

I rest my case!


His H0liness iDAI P0pe Vict0r wePIRI


NB. Why is it that when Africa had Africa's first female Vice President being Mai Mujuru f0ll0wed by S0uth Africa having a female Vice President all is 0n rec0rd except f0r the first female Medical D0ct0r. Yes, the first female Medical D0ct0r d0es n0t want t0 be kn0w because she l0st her viginity t0 her lecturer during her final examinati0n that inv0lved the first use 0f(x): a c0nd0m. VERITAS f0r the last medical examinati0n practical is sperm c0unt. Wh0se sperms did the first female d0ct0r c0unt if it is a kn0wn fact that sperms a pr0duced by a male member. MADZIDZA f0r the first use 0f(x): a c0nd0m was a business act then if y0u are using a c0nd0m in y0ur marital affairs are y0u prepared t0 tell y0u teenagers that, as I qu0te, "My dear darling kids, y0u are just part 0f(x): my business plan."

//////// ??????? https://calendar.g00gle.c0m/calendar/embed?src=c4f9106f64f5d3bb5dd36d5729e732d4f2ef2868b980eb5ae7a6b476a9a9835a%40gr0up.calendar.g00gle.c0m&ctz=UTC

Monday 27 February 2023

H0w as Church handles finacial dish0unesty

 Dear G00gle!

I want the H0ly Gh0st t0 be financially aware including legitimately equipped 0f(x): including equipped with kn0wledge with due financial statistics pertaining the financial p0siti0n that is held by my H0liness J0seph Ratzinger as f0ll0ws:

1. At a time in hist0ry iDAI Lucky was appr0ached with a pr0p0sal t0 sleep in fr0nt 0f(x): Emerald Hill's 0ld Mutual's 0ffices if as iDAI Lucky wants m0ney. iDAI Lucky declined t0 the tune that if as iDAI Lucky g0es t0 sleep in fr0nt 0f(x): Emerald Hill's 0ld Mutual's 0ffices 0ld Mutual will n0t release the funds just t0 bring shame including def0rming the character 0f(x): iDAI Lucky. 0ld Mutual went t0 t0 maintain 0ld Mutual's p0siti0n by even maintain a green park acr0ss Emerald Hill's 0ld Mutual's 0ffices. <H> I want a system rest0re p0int t0 at least the previ0us s0 c0n0ted as three hundred sun d0wn 0n the Net0ne netw0rk t0 pr0ve that me iDAI Lucky @ IMEI, as I qu0te, "359865188774825" experienced a l0ss in cellph0ne recepti0n al0ng The Chase al0ng side @ IMEI, as I qu0te, "3598651887744833" that was still with active recepti0n fr0m Nec0net Wireless resulting in spending a c0ld night as pr0p0sed in fr0nt 0f(x): Emerald Hill's 0ld Mutual's 0ffices that resulted in the f0ll0wing m0rning 0nly t0 be t0ld that we Selecta Kambhair0 d0es n0t have at least tw0 acc0unt with 0ld Mutual!

2. My h0liness J0seph Ratzinger is entailed t0 all units f0ll0wing the disappearance 0f(x): investment acc0unt number as, as I qu0te, "15533701" bel0nging t0 either an individual c0ded as, as I qu0te, " My H0liness J0seph Ratzinger" in terms pr0vided by §560 fr0m C0de 0f(x): Can0n Law 1985 0r in terms pr0vided by, as I qu0te, "§560 fr0m C0de 0f(x): Can0n Law revised including edited 0n Saturday 05 December 2009" 0r t0 High Sch00l nickname kn0wn as, as I qu0te, "Selecta Kambhair0" <H> I want all units t0 resp0nd with0ut hesitati0n t0 at least the c0gitati0n 0f(x): C0gitat0r that 0nly C0gitat0r being His H0liness iDAI P0pe Vict0r wePIRI within the c0ntext that justice is f0r all that have the ability t0 ch00se t0 d0 g00d 0r evil at any given time when we had days implying @ n0w being den0ted as @ any given m0ment that is being m0mented with further implicati0n that as His H0liness iDAI P0pe Vic0tr wePIRI the W0rld Bank Server falsifies my identity as His H0liness iDAI P0pe Vict0r wePIRI through InnBucks acc0unt number as, as I qu0te, "3004623515533" thr0ugh c0nfessi0n @ Arupe C0lleg, Saturday 05 December 2009, Harare, Central Africa, United States 0f(x): Zimbabhwe Selecta Kambhair0 0fficially was c0n0ted as P0pe aster P0pe Saint J0hn the twenty-fifth ceased t0 be P0pe 0n 04 Julie 1982 thereby c0mmencing t0 carry the title Anti-P0pe Saint J0hn the twenty-fifth after the birth 0f(x): the first wife bel0nging t0 His H0liness iDAI P0pe Vict0r wePIRI with the first wife bel0nging t0 His H0liness iDAI P0pe Vict0r wePIRI ceasing t0 be P0pe 0n 09 Julie 1982 @ exactly twelve midnight that included stoppage time that resulted in His H0liness iDAI P0pe Vict0r wePIRI falsely identifying my L0rd Chief Justice Tatenda Rugare n0w kn0wn as L0rd Chief Justice Tatenda Rugare as my H0liness J0seph Ratzinger's first wife implying that is www.thechiefjusticelegalf0nt.bl0gsp0st.c0m is a bluff then Michelle 0bam is still n0t the First Lady t0 United States 0f(x): America implying that is www.thechiefjusticelegalf0nt.bl0gsp0st.c0m is true then  G00gle Maps address as, as I qu0te, "1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washingt0n, DC 20500, United States 0f(x): America" branded as The White H0use is n0w with all exteri0r wall painted as Black Black as, as I qu0te, "0,0,0" 0n the RGB c0l0ur pallet!...!.

3. I want all business establishments registered den0ting the term, as I qu0te, "Shal0m" t0 with hence n0w remit eighty percent fr0m pr0fit made fr0m any business establishment registered den0ting the term Shal0m int0 tw0 porti0ns that are equal that imply f0rty percent fr0m pr0fit pr0ceeds fr0m any business establishment registered den0ting the term Shal0m to0 be f0rwarded int0 Ec0cah acc0unt number, as I qu0te, "0783019224" with the 0ther f0rty percent fr0m pr0fit pr0ceeds fr0m any business establishment registered den0ting the term Shal0m t0 be forwarded t0 Twitter acc0unt handle 0wner that Twitter reads as, as I qu0te, "@IsraelKuveya" that implies als0 Ec0cash Acc0unt number as, as I qu0te, "0772300917" with feather further implicati0n that d0es n0t infringe privileges enshrined enshrined in iDAI Lucky as Chief, 0r as P0pe, 0r ab0ve all as King 0f(x): kings!...!.

4. I want all th0se individuals that have willingly ch00sen n0t t0 have a freewill t0 hence-f0rth with, as fr0m, as I qu0te Central Africa Building Seri0usly's Newt0n Street Branch's currently still being referred t0 as Central Africa Building S0ciety's Newt0n Street Branch's Cust0mer Feedback's REFE: 0F(x): FEEDBACK, "Either AMEN !!! 0r 99/12/1979 A.D." t0 c0mmence assassinating each individual's first degree relatives t0 th0se that have willingly ch00sen n0t t0 have a free will t0 be assassinated by th0se individuals that have willingly ch00sen n0t t0 have a free will using a white plastic sp00n bef0re the R0man S0liders kn0wn als0 as the Salvati0n Army arrive in the City 0f(x): G0ld within Central Africa after departing Nharira Missi0n that is under the Territ0ry bel0nging t0 His Grace Achbish0p R0bert Christ0pher Ndl0vu!...!.

5. As His H0liness iDAI P0pe Vict0r wePIRI I want all funds fr0m medical facilities that were designed t0 h0use in Selecta Kambhair0 using any Medical gr0unds t0 be dep0sited int0 my Emissary including being Inquisit0r Bank Acc0unt Number as, as I qu0te, "1121113763" with acc0unt name as, as I qu0te, "Lucky Shingai Mbira" under the financial facility currently using the name, as I qu0te, "Central Africa Building S0ciety" that sh0uld be kn0wn, as I qu0te, "Central Africa Building Seri0usly" using swift c0de, as I qu0te, "CABSZWHA XXX" implying that th0se that were treated at the Medical facilities in questi0n in this paragraph d0 hereby with immediate effect 0we Selecta Kambhair0 funds that lead t0 th0se that were treated at the Medical facilities in questi0n within this paragraph t0 be in any f0rmat discharged fr0m medical facilities that were designed t0 h0use in Selecta Kambhair0 with medical facilities that were designed t0 h0use in Selecta Kambhair0 being medical facilities that were designed t0 h0use in Selecta Kambhair0 such as, as I qu0te "Milt0n Park Medical Center, 2 Harvey Brown Ave, Harare, Central Africa, United States 0f(x): Zimbabhwe" implying 0ne that went thr0ugh the Medical Facilities that are hereby implied in this paragraph sh0uld with0ut fail get sick again then re-receive treatment with funds being f0rwraded t0 Emissary including being Inquisit0r.!...!...!

6. I want all individuals that have verbally s0rt the c0nditi0n 0f(x): the President 0f(x): United States 0f(x): Zimbabhwe fr0m either, as I qu0te, "me iDAI Lucky" 0r, as I qu0te, "King Mufasa" t0 be impris0ned f0r treas0n in any security tight facility that is n0t a private residence!...!. 

7.  I want all financial deleberati0ns t0 hence f0rthwith @n0w's m0mentinting m0ments, as per draft's inking t0 this paragraph, t0 effect the just request after MasterCard breached terms c0ncerning payments 0n Ec0csh acc0unt number that is, as I qu0te, "0782209888" implying Ec0cash acc0unt bel0nging t0, as I qu0te, "His H0liness iDAI P0pe Vict0r wePIRI" in a natural Financial R0na R0yal G0tish rules in terr0r f0r 0rder fashi0n thr0ugh an accelerated effect that justifies every individual's spending as per each respective individual's clean including clear c0nscience thr0ugh any platf0rm disp0sed t0 any individual that p0ssesses at least Ninty-nine United States 0f(x): American cents taking int0 seri0us effect that m0ney spent is n0t sent back int0 circulati0n since m0ney spent is destr0yed implying the effects herein stated in this sentence t0 take int0 effect bef0r,as I qu0te, "23:59:59:99 H0urs Either AMEN !!! 0r B0xing D0nkey 145 December 1979 A.D." als0 implying that each individual, that d0es n0t imply the publisher t0 this paragraph including any funds pr0ceeding fr0m the publisher t0 this paragraph, sh0uld p0ssess at m0st 0ne Hundred United States 0f(x): American cents as the highest p0ssible p0sitive value in any f0rm 0f(x): currency by, as I qu0te, "23:59:59:99 H0urs Either AMEN !!! 0r Sun D0nkey 142 December 1979 A.D.".!...!.

8. I want any G0vernment's Financial Reserve's Registered building fr0m any State thr0ugh0ut the Universe t0 c0mmence t0 att0rne f0r the fake Zimbabhwean D0llar's cent value c0in made in, as I qu0te, "1989" through a Three Milli0n including Sixty Th0usand Missisipi Sec0nds c0mplete cycle fr0m within any m0ments starting fr0m the very next 23:59:59:99 H0urs marked fr0m Central Africa as per the very inking's ink fr0m the draft t0 this paragraph that den0tes empirically that any G0vernment's Financial Reserve's Registered building's exteri0r finishes t0 c0mmence t0 change c0l0ur 0n each respective exteri0r finish between three c0l0urs that start with being, as, as I qu0te, "Red" then turns int0, "Blue" thr0ugh a l0gical graduati0n fr0m Red the the last c0l0ur as per gradual graduati0n f0m Blue is being, as, as I q0ute, "Green" with all sequences 0ccuring within Three Milli0n including Sixty Th0usand Missisipi Sec0nds with a reality check that if this paragraph is a bluff then the building branded as, as I qu0te, "The White H0use" f0und 0n G00gle address as, as I qu0te, "1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washingt0n, DC 20500, United States 0f(x): America" has White exteri0r finish, f0r if this paragraph is true then the Building branded as a Place having the name as, as I qu0te, "Buckingham Palace is gradually sinking int0 the gr0undd @ the rate 0f(x): Tw0 centimeters per Three Milli0n including Sixty Th0usand Missisipi Sec0nds as fr0m the very current inking 0f(x): the draft inking's t0 this very publicati0n until all red ink, with0ut implying the red ink 0wned by the 0nly Muslims, has been handed in @ the nearest P0lice Stati0n f0r destructi0n using fire starting with my "C0ca-C0la" flag f0ll0wed by my "Ec0net Wireless" flag the lastly with the 0riginal flag bel0nging t0 the United States 0f(x): America that @ n0w is being fl0wn 0ver the c0untry that marks the center t0 the African C0ntinet with the name as, as I qu0te, "Central Africa" that is als0 the initial State that makes up, as I qu0te, "United States 0f(x): Zimbabhwe" with a clear cut implicati0n that Guards' flags that are 0nly in white al0ng with red are the 0nly current flags that including the c0l0ur c0ding in the, as I qu0te, "Zuva Republic P0lice" a.k. as, as I qu0te, "Zimbabhwe Republic P0lice" are n0t subject t0 destructi0n as herein being referenced implying a feather re-reference that any flag d0 n0t bel0ng t0 Guards including carrying a white c0l0ur are subject t0 destructi0n using fire.!...!.

9. I want the, as I qu0te, "RELIEF BEING S0UGHT.. g)..." by, as I qu0te, "Chief Justice Tatenda Rugare" in the Administrative C0urt held in Mash0naland Harare t0 hencef0rtwith @n0w c0mmence t0 effect 0ver Bank Acc0unt Number being Held by the Head 0f(x): Security with, as I qu0te, "Central Africa Building S0ciety" that sh0uld be at this paragraph draft's inking's m0ments kn0wn as, as I qu0te, "Central Africa Building Seri0usly" number t0 acc0unt being, as I qu0te, "1127113763".!.

10. I want all d0gs that have barked @ the Head 0f(x): Security since, as I q0ute, "15:00:00:99 H0urs Sat D0nkey 05 December 2009" t0 with immediate effect bite 0f(x):f(x): at m0st being at least 0ne entire butt check, a.k. as dak0,  bel0nging t0 any 0f(x): any d0g's first master including the first master's realati0ns upt0 the sec0nd degree the d0g's first master including the first master's relati0ns with same effect that d0gs with p0ssibilities t0 bark @ His H0liness iDAI P0pe Vict0r wePIRI have @ n0w's this paragraph's draft as d0gs with p0ssibility t0 bark @ His H0liness iDAI P0pe Vict0r wePIRI l0cked up hatred f0r each respective d0g's 0wners 0r keepers by expressing viciously up0n d0g's 0wners 0r keepers an effect t0 bite bite 0f(x):f(x): at m0st being at least 0ne entire butt check, a.k. as dak0, bel0nging t0 any 0f(x): any d0g's first master including the first master's realati0ns upt0 the sec0nd degree the d0g's first master including the first master's relati0ns f0r as l0ng as d0g's first master including the first master's realati0ns upt0 the sec0nd degree the d0g's first master including the first master's relati0ns are within any p0ssible Six Hundred including Sixty-six Kil0meter range that als0 ackn0wlegdes d0g t0 be n0w able t0 hunt a respective butt check, a.k. as dak0, using Einstein's The0ry 0f(x): Relativity.!...!

11. Since t0 date all drinking water in the universe is c0ming fr0m any Latin Church facility using G00gle s0rt c0de, as I qu0te, "09706554688343093495"  the int0 any main City's water service line using, as I qu0te, "Administrative Marian Tape Rules" <H> as Emmisary including being inquisit0r I want all c0uncil payments int0 acc0unt name, as, as I qu0te, "AN0NYN0US CST" being held with "Central Africa Building S0ciety" a.k. as CABS using acc0unt number, as, as I qu0te, "1140707906" then feather further pr0ceed t0 0perate c0uncil activities using Marian Administrative Tape Rules 0r f0rwarded payments int0 G00gle s0rt c0de,as I qu0te, "10272617187191932413" as the 0nly licensing auth0rity.!!!...!.

12. If there is at least 0ne disbannered Securic0 Brand male pers0nnel with0ut gentiles then the maj0r questi0n is, as I qu0te, "H0w many w0men t0date that are with0ut a single breast?"...!...!!!.

13.  I want fire start t0 burn d0wn all pr0perties bel0nging t0 the very very current use f0r pers0nal purp0ses by staff members bel0nging t0 the Bank that h0st receiver t0 teleph0ne number being, as I qu0te, "+263242750171" at the rate 0f(x): 0ne Th0usand pers0nal bel0nging's items 0ut fr0m the t0tal number 0f(x): B0ard Members t0 Bank that h0st receiver t0 teleph0ne number being, as I qu0te, "+263242750171" per, as I qu0te, "23760000" Missisipi Sec0nds affecting at least the entire staff t0 Bank that h0st receiver t0 teleph0ne number being, as I qu0te, "+263242750171" until identity card number 24125238J43 0wner is made aware 0f(x): what identity card number 24125238J43 0wner has in terms as per assert including having made a withdrawal 0f(x): me iDAI Lucky's ch0ice fr0m Bank that h0st receiver t0 teleph0ne number being, as I qu0te, "+263242750171" up0n this my current inking's in c0mpleted draft f0rmat's next full st0p with immediate MAC result effect up0n the ink t0 this full st0p.!...!.


Emissary including being inquisit0r 0f(x): The P0pe that is neither The Anti-P0pe n0r an Anti-P0pe

x Lucky

Lucky Shingai Mbira


NB. There was, meaning there is, implying there shall be always 0ne Church, 0ne G0d, 0ne faith, 0ne Baptism, 0ne L0rd, 0ne King, 0ne Chief, as there is Just 0ne Earth (J0E), 0ne P0pe, Tw0 Queen 0f(x): Queens al0ng with at least per digit c0unt upt0 3 Missisipi being the current number 0f(x): Queens excluding any Queen 0f(x): Queens 0r Queen Cle0patra Wils0n!

Tuesday 25 July 2017

Legal Font

Legal F0nt is called Georgina Thulani

F0r every c0de in c0ding with any c0ding language f0ll0w the f0ll0wing instructi0ns:

1. D0 n0t use the fifteenth letter in the Latin alphabet, instead use figure zer0...

The f0ll0wing als0 applies t0 linguistics...

2. F0r the term that was 0f replace 0f with 0f(x):

3. F0r the term that was 0ff replace 0ff with 0f(x):f(x):

4. N0tice that 0nly the terms Ge0rgina Thulani are the 0nly terms that c0ntain the fifteenth letter t0 the previ0us Latin Alphabet... check@

D0nati0ns f0r the ab0ve details will be f0rwarded t0 my H0liness J0speh Ratzinger since P0pe Francis is n0t Baptised

D0nati0ns through t0 Lucky Shingai Mbira, m0bile pickup by m0bile number +263782209888

Aluta c0ntinua!!!

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${SUBID} - Unique ID f0r tracking c0nversi0ns
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 F0r 0nclick campaigns 0nly:
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{0sversi0n} - Versi0n 0f the user’s 0perating system
{c0untryname} - Name 0f the user’s c0untry
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{isp} - Name 0f the user’s ISP
{useragent} - User’s raw user-agent
{language} - Language 0f the user’s br0wser
{c0nnecti0n.type} - User’s c0nnecti0n type
{carrier} - Name 0f the user’s m0bile carrier

<script src="//" defer></script>
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<script src="//" defer></script>

<n0script><img src="//" width="1" height="1" /></n0script>
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1 0 0bj
<</Type/Catal0g/Pages 2 0 R/Lang(en-US) /StructTreeR00t 149 0 R/MarkInf0<</Marked true>>>>
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<</Type/Pages/C0unt 45/Kids[ 3 0 R 11 0 R 18 0 R 20 0 R 22 0 R 25 0 R 28 0 R 31 0 R 36 0 R 39 0 R 42 0 R 45 0 R 48 0 R 52 0 R 56 0 R 59 0 R 63 0 R 66 0 R 69 0 R 72 0 R 75 0 R 78 0 R 81 0 R 85 0 R 88 0 R 91 0 R 94 0 R 97 0 R 100 0 R 103 0 R 106 0 R 109 0 R 112 0 R 115 0 R 117 0 R 119 0 R 121 0 R 123 0 R 125 0 R 129 0 R 131 0 R 133 0 R 135 0 R 139 0 R 141 0 R] >>
3 0 0bj
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4 0 0bj
<</Filter/FlateDec0de/Length 253>>
xœ¥ÐMkÂ@ …áýÀü‡³L„NîÜ™| &ÚÐRÁb ‹âB4 BÔ´ÿ¿I ­!n¤«Ù æ}¸ðÖ˜N½Uú´click?pid=4444&0ffer_id=10 276d9081ebf1a954eb3bf5cebf21578c

Thursday 31 December 1970

Sex T0day

(0FFICIALLY) HECTA FL0RENCEH0USE a.k. as HectaFl0rence LightH0use                        
a.k. as HectaFl0rence LuckyH0use a.k. as Hecta Fl0renceLuckyH0use                               

Please n0te that n0 living s0ul has been having sex since Feb 14 2018 .........

Saint Augustine is saying, "Deep within a pers0n there lays the truth...."

Hence n0 living s0ul is giving birth after 14th 0f(x): N0vember 2018

Entrance Antiph0n: Chimem0 ChaMuzenda Sim0n Cde. dAVID
Title Track: Huvep0 waMwari uri pan0///

Chant:                Chichem0...!
Resp0nse:            Chichem0 chaMuzenda chiri pan0...!
Chant:                Chauya...!
Resp0nse:            Chauya netwumaGRACE twangu...!
Chant:                Chichem0!
Resp0nse:            Chichem0 chaMuzenda chiri pano...!
Chant:                Chauya...!
Resp0nse:            Chauya nutwumaGRACE twangu...!

Chant:            Ch0daira>>>
Resp0nse:        Ch0dairwa>>>
Chant:            Ch0dairwa>>>
     Resp0nse:                       Ch0dairwa>>>
Chant:            Ch0dairwa>>>
Resp0nse:     Ch0daiyirwa neni_muranda wake!

Chant:        Mufar0!
Resp0nse:        Mufar0 waMAmuzenda uri pan0...!
Chant:            Wauya!
Resp0nse:        Wauya naMufar0 mumasaisai>>>

Chant: W0enda???
Resp0nse: W0enda<<<
Chant: W0enda???
Resp0nse: W0enda<<<
Chant: W0enda>>>
Resp0nse: W0enda nemumasai-sai???

Chant: Wasvika???
Resp0nse: Wasvika...
Chant: Wasvika???
Resp0nse: Wasvika...
Chant: Wasvika!!!
Resp0nse: Wasvika mboro yadakumira.

Chant: Kumiswa.
Resp0nse: Kumiswa kweMB0R0 kuri pan0+++
Chant: Kwaiswa.
Resp0nse: Kwaiswa neni Muranda waVaranda.

Chant: Kusvirwa.
Resp0nse: Kusvirwa kwaMaMuzenda kuri pan0.
Chant: Kwaiswa===
Resp0nse: Kwaiswa naMuzenda Sim0n muranda wangu.

Chant: Kwaiswa.
Resp0nse: Vaiswa.
Chant: Kwaiswa.
Resp0nse: Vaiswa.
Chant: Kwaiswa.
Resp0nse: Vaiswa neMBORO yak0mb0rera Fata Kambhair0.

ANGELIC RITE... Kuk0mb0rera MB0R0 yaFATA.

As A member 0f(x): The M0st H0ly Cath0lic, Latin and Angelic Church which was the M0st H0ly Cath0lic and Ap0st0lic Church t0 have sex as a married member in terms 0f(x): the H0ly Spirit in my H0liness Joseph Ratzinger FR0M the H0ly Gh0st in Acting Chief Justice G0dfrey Guva Chidyausiku y0u need t0 d0nate any am0unt t0 the P0pe using

"Hello Paisa" 0nline sending t0 Zimbabhwe Ec0cash m0bile pickup number 0782209888 Name : LUCKY SHINGAI MBIRA

0r using "Mama m0ney" 0nline t0 Zimbabhwe Ec0cash m0bile pickup 0782209888... Name : LUCKY SHINGAI MBIRA

"" 0nline sending t0 Zimbabhwe Ec0cash m0bile pickup number 0782209888 Name : LUCKY SHINGAI MBIRA

If in Zimbabhwe send Telecash t0 0735382899

0r ZIPIT t0 Telecash fr0m any bank t0 0735382899
Y0U D0NATE ANY AM0UNT (Valid upt0 the time directed by the M0st H0ly Spirit)
When pr0mted t0 a name 0f(x): receiver write
Lucky Shingai Mbira
c0untry Zimbabwe

The level 0f(x): Y0ur sexual ecstasy depends 0n the level 0f(x): y0ur d0nati0n t0 the Pope through the means ab0ve....................................

Everyday may be a wedding anniversary hence F0r wedding anniversary declarati0ns within Zimbabwe US $10.00 t0 Ec0cash 0782209888 LUCKY SHINGAI MBIRA f0r 72 h0urs 0r ZW $400.00Luck t0 Ec0cash 0782209888 LUCKY SHINGAI MBIRA for 72 h0urs

Everyday may be a wedding anniversary hence 0utside Zimbabhwe US $10 through W0rld Remit m0bile Pickup +263782209888 by Lucky Shingai Mbira.

Crypt0currency wallet addressws for d0nations are

Deposit DAI

 DAI deposit address 0xcef7e8f9b948aeafbb464563bfb767131312b0d8


Deposit ETH - Ethereum   

Transfer netw0rk = ERC20

ETH deposit address 0xcef7e8f9b948aeafbb464563bfb767131312b0d8

EIP55 Format (Some exhanges and/or wallets may require this format) 0xCEf7e8F9B948aEAfBB464563Bfb767131312B0d8

Deposit ETH - Ethereum   

BNB deposit address 0xcef7e8f9b948aeafbb464563bfb767131312b0d8
MATIC deposit address 0xcef7e8f9b948aeafbb464563bfb767131312b0d8

Deposit XRP - Ripple

xrp deposit address r34mWrX3cZCZpJEsqe1F6PNotREXwj1f3r DESTINATION TAG210306383

Deposit USDT - Tether

Trasfer netw0rk = USDT-ERC20

USDT deposit address 0xcef7e8f9b948aeafbb464563bfb767131312b0d8

EIP55 Format (Some exhanges and/or wallets may require this format) 0xCEf7e8F9B948aEAfBB464563Bfb767131312B0d8

Deposit BTG - Bitcoin Gold

 BTG deposit address GPtNPGd8fJPtwugiTAA7ToBapqXfJL8RNg

 P.S. I L0VE Y0U

N.B.ALL f0R THE Pr0culamati0n 0f(x): 

The Fifth Last and final  Marian D0gma.....................................

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